Individually crafted in our studio in Harmony, MN, USA for ultimate quality with beautiful, supple buffalo and durable, resole-able bull hide soles.
All custom moccasins are crafted to fit to your individual foot measurements.

Custom Buffalo Moccasins, Native American Footwear, Pow Wows, Rendezvous, Hunting, Tracking, Earthing, Grounding, Fox Walking, Gardening, Hiking, Camping, Martial Arts, Tai Chi, Chi Kung, Dance, Theatre, Labyrinth Walking, Western, Everyday Wear, Resoleable Moccasins

About Buffalo Boot Trading Post
Each pair of custom moccasins are individually handcrafted to fit your feet by master leather craftsman,
Tony "Talon" Derouin.
Tony DeRouin
Buffalo Boot Trading Post
29421 County 22
Buffalo Boot Trading Post
29421 County 22
Harmony, MN 55939